What is a Postal Match?

Before the internet, if friendly target shooters wanted to compete against one another they could either meet together and exchange targets, or they would participate in a Postal Match. Typically these contests were a standard course of fire that the participants shot, then mailed to the contest organizer for tally. Since the internet can provide us with nearly instant feedback, and we can trade many different targets, it seems to be an ideal format for the "Modern Postal Match".

Friday, October 28, 2011

Better Late Than Never

Everyone, so you all know that the postal match has been mothballed for some time. Life has gotten in the way some.  I hope to restart it in the near future.

As Halloween is coming up, I'm delighted to say that I have recently had an inquiry from a young man asking about the Zombie Apocalypse contest we had last year. Here is is story:

"My name is Mathew Morrison. I am a senior at Tri County Early College High School in Murphy, NC. As a graduation requirement, each student must complete a project with three parts: research paper, speech, and physical product. For my project, I chose " The Theory of Zombieism" for my topic. I find this to be a very appropriate as little is known about zombies, including the ideal is the possibility of " Zombieism". I discovered your webpage while conducting research and became very interested in the contest you hosted. I thought this could be used as  " hands on experience" for my project. After consulting my mentor on the matter, she agreed and encouraged me to enter the contest. It wasn't until I requested more information that I realized the contest had ended in 2010." 

I figured, what the heck, so Mathew sent his target in. Since he is in High School, he shot his .177 pellet gun. Pretty good shooting, young man. Thanks for playing along.

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