As Halloween is coming up, I'm delighted to say that I have recently had an inquiry from a young man asking about the Zombie Apocalypse contest we had last year. Here is is story:
"My name is Mathew Morrison. I am a senior at Tri County Early College High School in Murphy, NC. As a graduation requirement, each student must complete a project with three parts: research paper, speech, and physical product. For my project, I chose " The Theory of Zombieism" for my topic. I find this to be a very appropriate as little is known about zombies, including the ideal is the possibility of " Zombieism". I discovered your webpage while conducting research and became very interested in the contest you hosted. I thought this could be used as " hands on experience" for my project. After consulting my mentor on the matter, she agreed and encouraged me to enter the contest. It wasn't until I requested more information that I realized the contest had ended in 2010."